Autobiography hotel is a place on the Black Sea shore which its guests and friends can include in their own story.

We developed: Brand Platform, Naming, Visual Identity, Website

As a result of preliminary research we’ve come upon an insight that people are looking for a place to hide from the world, live their everyday life and spend more time looking for pleasure. 

That reminds us of childhood, doesn’t it? Those happy and light-hearted times when we had vacations by the sea.

We thought that probably everyone remembers this happy period of life from their own biography.

That's how the name and slogan of the hotel came about.

The basic idea of identity is a certain frame which you can fit anything. Any story, memories or fantasy of your own. The name speaks for itself. Every guest adds one more story about the sea to his own autobiography.

This moment and time is also perfectly transformed into a "detail".

Готель Autobiography створений з максимальною увагою до деталей, тому і ми приділили особливу увагу деталям в нашій айдентиці.

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